Monsal Dale Landscape Photography Course

This course has now taken place, but you can see details of all the other courses we currently have scheduled here.

Saturday September 12th – 10.00am to 6.00pm. £90.00 per person. This course will be limited to just four people. 

Monsal Viaduct in Derbyshire is the location for the Peak District beginners photography course being run by Peak Digital TrainingMonsal Dale is one of the finest of the Peak District valleys, and it looks particularly beautiful in the soft light of late summer and early autumn. Although it is probably best known for its viaduct, on this course we will be concentrating more on its high and impressive weir, which is an excellent location for practising photographing moving water and long exposures. There is access to both sides of the river thanks to a nearby footbridge, and (if the water levels are low enough) there is a rock shelf jutting out into the river which allows different angles and close approaches to the base of the weir itself, as well as reflections in the pools of water. Continue reading “Monsal Dale Landscape Photography Course”

Edit Your Photos with Adobe Lightroom Classic

We don’t currently have any dates scheduled for this one day course, but as an alternative, many of our clients prefer to have personalised one to one training which can be carried out at a time and place to suit them – even in their own home working with their own computer. See here for more details of our one to one Lightroom training.

If you really want to get the best from your photos, you need to learn how to edit them properly. The software of choice for many photographers is Adobe Lightroom Classic, which was designed specifically to help digital photographers organise, edit and output their photos for a variety of purposes.

This hands-on, practical course will teach you how to get the best out of your photos using the tools within Lightroom Classic’s Develop module. It is designed for people who already have some basic experience of working within Lightroom (or other photo editors such as Photoshop), but no previous editing experience is necessary. 

Please click here to request a booking form for this course.

Continue reading “Edit Your Photos with Adobe Lightroom Classic”

Using Composition to Make Better Photographs

9th March 2019 – 9.30am to 5.00pm at Tansley, near Matlock in Derbyshire. Places cost £85.00 each.

Do you struggle to produce images that rise above the level of snapshots?
Are your photos technically sharp and well exposed but still “lacking something”?
Would you like to learn how to compose your pictures properly, rather than just “pointing and shooting”?

If so, join us on this one day course and photo walk suitable for all types of photographers and cameras – from phone cameras to professional dslrs. Continue reading “Using Composition to Make Better Photographs”

Getting Started with Adobe Lightroom

We don’t currently have any more of these group courses for Lightroom training scheduled, but many of our clients prefer to have personalised one to one training. One to one training can be carried out at a time and place to suit you – even in your own home working on your own computer. See here for more details of our one to one Lightroom training.

Our Lightroom Classic training  will help you to get started using Adobe Lightroom Classic and how to use its Library module to organize, sort and view the thousands of digital photographs that we create. 

The location is easily accessible from Sheffield, anywhere in Derbyshire, Nottingham or Manchester. To ensure everyone gets plenty of individual attention, numbers on this course will be limited to a maximum of six people.

While Lightroom is probably best known as an image editor, it is in fact much more than that. It has powerful image management capabilities which cover the photographer’s workflow from end to end – from copying pictures off your camera’s memory card right through to sending them for printing, creating slideshows, putting them on the web or sending them via email.

This course will show you how to get started with Lightroom, explain how it works differently from many other photo applications, how to use its powerful tools to help you organise and sort your images, and teach you best practise to help you easily find any particular image or group of images. Continue reading “Getting Started with Adobe Lightroom”

Nikon dslr training course in an amazing Peak District location

Please note: this course has now passed, but you can click here to see the next photography courses we have scheduled.

Saturday, September 5th from 10.00 am to 5.30 pm. £85.00 per person. Contact us to request a booking form to reserve your place.

A derelict building in a Peak District location used for photography courses by Peak Digital Training
The location used for our course has some wonderfully photogenic old buildings

This one day course is being run exclusively for Nikon dslr users in the beautiful Derbyshire Peak District. Join fellow Nikon shooters at a wonderfully remote cottage which a previous student described as “amazing” (see here for more details). It is situated well away from the nearest road, with its own car parking, and the site has protected status for both its archaeological and environmental importance. There is a fantastic range of subjects right outside the cottage door – including very photogenic ruined industrial buildings and rare wild flowers. The site is also a superb location for open skies and sunsets, and there will be the option of staying on until dusk (at approx. 8.00 pm) if conditions are good. Continue reading “Nikon dslr training course in an amazing Peak District location”